
Throughout the history of psychology, a large number of experiments were carried out that forever marked this science. In this section you will discover the best known and also those that still offer us interesting data today.

  • Sharon Laura Capeluto

    What was the Russian sleep experiment about?

    When we address research that transgressed scientific ethics and respect for human rights, it is inevitable to refer to the Russian sleep experiment. This shocking story has as its protagonists five prisoners who, in the murky post-war scenario, were subjected…

  • La máquina de la longevidad: viaje al enigma del envejecimiento

    The longevity machine: journey into the enigma of aging

    The longevity machine is the colloquial name given to one of the most ambitious experiments today.. It is a platform called Lifespan Machine, developed by scientists from the Barcelona Center for Genomic Regulation. Their goal: to decipher the mysteries of…

  • «Universo 25»: qué es y por qué su conclusión es inquietante

    “Universe 25”: what it is and why its conclusion is disturbing

    Although “Universe 25” may seem like the title of a science fiction novel to us, in reality, it gives its name to one of the most important experiments in social psychology. In 1968, ethologist and biologist John Calhoun built a…

  • El proyecto 'Stargate' y el fenómeno de los 'psíquicos'

    The ‘Stargate’ project and the phenomenon of ‘psychics’

    During the 70s there was a kind of boom around the so-called “psychics” or people with exceptional mental abilities, related to supernatural abilities, such as telepathy and “remote viewing.” It was about the project Stargate, a United States Government program…

  • Los experimentos de telepatía en Silicon Valley

    Telepathy experiments in Silicon Valley

    The telepathy experiments in Silicon Valley have nothing to do with parapsychology or the occult. In this case, we are talking about brain-machine interfaces that allow people to communicate directly through thought. Experts assure that we are only one step…

  • El experimento Tuskegee: nunca olvidar, para no repetir

    The Tuskegee experiment: never forget, so as not to repeat

    The Tuskegee experiment in Macon County, Alabama, is described as an egregious case of racism in science. This study exposed the North American scientific community; It also caused the review and tightening of the parameters and ethical standards that existed…

  • Gorka Jiménez Pajares

    How to distinguish between science or pseudoscience? The ‘Awareness’ plan for the little ones

    Is it a hoax? Will this news be real? Is a fake news? We have all wondered if what we are reading, watching or listening to has any scientific basis. How to distinguish that which has it from that which…

  • El proyecto conciencia global y sus fascinantes hallazgos

    The global awareness project and its fascinating findings

    The global awareness project is an international initiative that was born at Princeton University in 1998. Its objective is to know if each person’s mind generates energy that extends beyond the skull. If so, one could hypothesize that there is…

  • El experimento de Bruce Alexander: ¿cómo afecta el ambiente a la drogadicción?

    The Bruce Alexander experiment: how does the environment affect drug addiction?

    Although we know how addictions work, when observing those who are dependent on substances, many people may wonder how they have chosen such a harmful path and why they cannot free themselves from its yoke. Generally, we point to the…

  • El experimento Marshmallows

    The Marshmallows Experiment

    Let’s take a little trip back in time. Let’s go back to childhood. Imagine being seated in front of a plate with your favorite sweet. How long do you think it would have taken you to start eating it? We…

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