Behavioral biology

Behavioral biology is an exciting discipline that will allow you to delve deeper into human behavior through the combination of psychology and biology. In this section you will find research and data related to the nervous system, the brain, neurotransmitters…

  • ¿Los animales sienten emociones como los humanos?

    Do animals feel emotions like humans?

    You’ve probably noticed when your dog is happy. Or you’ve seen a chimpanzee behind bars and you think he’s sad. Do you wonder if animals feel emotions? It is easy to answer this question intuitively, since Many animals express their…

  • ¿Cuál es el papel de la biología en la psicología?

    What is the role of biology in psychology?

    Although they are treated independently of psychology and biology, it is currently recognized that Both disciplines are intrinsically connected. The mind is not understood without psychobiology and biology is not deciphered without taking into account behavior. Now, how are they…

  • Diferencias entre orientación sexual e identidad de género

    Differences between sexual orientation and gender identity

    If a person is transgender, does that mean they are homosexual? The answer is “not always.” And it is not because There are clear differences between sexual orientation and gender identity. However, in our collective ideology we tend to merge…

  • Gorka Jiménez Pajares

    Genetics and mental disorders, what links exist?

    Researchers have spent decades analyzing the role of genetics in mental health. Specifically, they look for the keys that explain a connection between people’s genetic makeup and the mental disorders they may suffer from. However, the results have often been…

  • Trastornos neurobiológicos en jóvenes sin empatía

    Neurobiological disorders in young people without empathy

    Antisocial behavior begins in childhood. Although we always pay attention to those adults who transgress social norms and lead to criminal behavior, it is important to focus on childhood. It is in the first years of the human being that…

  • La teoría polivagal y el trauma: ¿cómo se relacionan?

    Polyvagal theory and trauma: how are they related?

    For Stephen Porges, polyvagal theory and trauma are indivisible. This theory provides an explanation of how our body reacts to traumatic events. Thus, it emphasizes that the nervous system has more than one defense strategy against danger. Not only does…

  • Corteza prefrontal y adolescentes: ¿qué hay detrás de la edad del pavo?

    Prefrontal cortex and adolescents: what is behind the age of the turkey?

    Adolescence welcomes very distinctive and profound changes at all levels, including the mental one. The psychologist Stanley Hall defined it as a stage that marks a deep cut in childhood, characterized by emotional intensity, derived from deep illusions and fears.…

  • Memoria genética: el sorprendente legado de tus antepasados

    Genetic memory: the surprising legacy of your ancestors

    In 2013, a curious experiment was carried out with mice. A group of them were trained to develop an aversion to one type of odor. Later, when these animals had offspring, it was discovered that the offspring felt the same…

  • ¿Por qué nos cuesta tanto hablar de nuestros traumas?

    Why is it so difficult for us to talk about our traumas?

    The trauma is experienced by almost everyone to the extent that we have all lived experiences and events that have given rise to modes or ways of behaving that, currently, are dysfunctional. A dysfunction that, in all or most cases,…

  • 7 myths about chemistry between people

    7 myths about chemistry between people

    Have you ever met someone with whom you had incredible chemistry and then things fell apart after several disappointments? There are many myths to clear up on this topic. The following article explains them. The chemistry between people is experienced…

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