
Neuroscience provides us with new and fascinating answers about our behavior every day. In this section we will take a journey through the neurobiological and biochemical bases of the brain. You will also understand how emotions and behaviors are orchestrated, as well as certain pathologies. We put the latest discoveries and research in the field of drugs and neuropsychiatry at your fingertips in a simple and exciting way.

  • José Padilla

    Are the conduct and behavior different?

    In its incessant activity of knowing the nature of the mind and human life, psychology has tried to differentiate two key concepts: conduct and behavior. Although some psychologists currently use them interchangeably, when referring to a subject’s way of proceeding,…

  • Lo que el GHB le hace al cerebro y a la mente

    What GHB does to the brain and mind

    GHB is an illegal psychoactive popularized in recent decades, especially among adolescents and young adults. In the 60s they used it as an anesthetic, but due to its side effects and poor effectiveness it was no longer used. In 2002…

  • ¿Los animales sienten emociones como los humanos?

    Do animals feel emotions like humans?

    You’ve probably noticed when your dog is happy. Or you’ve seen a chimpanzee behind bars and you think he’s sad. Do you wonder if animals feel emotions? It is easy to answer this question intuitively, since Many animals express their…

  • Todo lo que debes saber sobre el pensamiento lateral

    Everything you need to know about lateral thinking

    In life, in your relationships and work environment, you can solve problems in two ways. The first, through logical, linear and rational reasoning. The second, using an approach that the psychologist and philosopher Edward De Bono called lateral thinking. It…

  • Descubre cuántas neuronas tenemos y otros datos interesantes sobre ellas

    Discover how many neurons we have and other interesting facts about them

    Neurons are distributed throughout the nervous system, including the brain. They are the cells responsible for facilitating communication between the different parts of the body, enabling the coordination of various functions. Although it is not possible to establish the exact…

  • ¿Cuál es el papel de la biología en la psicología?

    What is the role of biology in psychology?

    Although they are treated independently of psychology and biology, it is currently recognized that Both disciplines are intrinsically connected. The mind is not understood without psychobiology and biology is not deciphered without taking into account behavior. Now, how are they…

  • Las 12 psicólogas más influyentes de la historia

    The 12 most influential psychologists in history

    Sigmund Freud, Burrhus Frederic Skinner, Albert Bandura, John B. Watson, these names and many others will never be missing from psychology major textbooks. However, and As often happens in other disciplines, the most influential psychologists in history tend to remain…

  • ¿Qué es la creatividad y cómo potenciarla?

    What is creativity and how to enhance it?

    Agatha Christie, Albert Einstein, Coco Chanel, Stephen Hawking or Stephen King. What do these names that many of us admire and that are part of our culture have in common? The element that unites them is that fascinating dimension called…

  • ¿Se pueden combinar antidepresivos y ansiolíticos?

    Can antidepressants and anxiolytics be combined?

    Many patients wonder if it is safe to combine antidepressants and anxiolytics.. The answer is “yes”, under certain conditions. In fact, this is a common strategy for treating depression. This psychopharmacological approach is common when the person also shows comorbidity…

  • Diferencias entre orientación sexual e identidad de género

    Differences between sexual orientation and gender identity

    If a person is transgender, does that mean they are homosexual? The answer is “not always.” And it is not because There are clear differences between sexual orientation and gender identity. However, in our collective ideology we tend to merge…

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