
Self-esteem is a muscle that needs to be exercised daily, and its influence extends to how we manage our emotions. Discover how to strengthen it, what factors can weaken it and what strategies can help you address this essential psychological tissue.

  • ¿Qué es el «body shaming» y cuáles son sus consecuencias emocionales?

    What is “body shaming” and what are its emotional consequences?

    The term body shaming refers to the act of criticizing, mocking or judging a person’s physical appearance. It is a very common practice and can even become part of the norm, appearing innocent or good intention. Whether face to face…

  • Valeria Sabater

    How do I know if I am a manipulable person?

    “How do I know if I am a manipulable person?” If you have ever asked yourself this, you will be interested to discover that it is a question that many people ask themselves. They do it when they are tired…

  • La influencia de los cánones de belleza en la salud mental

    The influence of beauty standards on mental health

    100 years ago, the women who were considered most attractive were those with pale skin with generous breasts and hips. Today, that perception has changed. Thinness and a perfection that borders on the impossible are preferred. So much so that…

  • Valeria Sabater

    I don’t feel attractive: what can I do?

    “What can I do if I don’t feel attractive?” This negative view of yourself responds to a fairly widespread phenomenon. Biased self-perception is now a common reality among men and women, regardless of age or social status.. The ideal in…

  • 5 consejos para despertar el autoconocimiento a través de los viajes

    5 tips to awaken self-knowledge through travel

    Traveling is an enriching experience that goes beyond visiting tourist destinations and taking photographs for social networks. Travel can also become a powerful tool to awaken self-knowledge and discover deep aspects of ourselves. In this article we give you some…

  • 11 señales de baja autoestima

    11 signs of low self-esteem

    Having good self-esteem is essential for emotional well-being and for having quality relationships with others. If your self-esteem is low, you will not only have difficulties relating to others, but your risk of suffering from depression will increase. Detecting the…

  • Características de las personas con baja autoestima

    Characteristics of people with low self-esteem

    In this article, we will explore the main characteristics of people with low self-esteem and some tips to work on it. This analysis is essential, since maintaining good self-esteem over time is related to a higher quality of life and…

  • 5 formas de demostrarte amor a ti mismo

    5 ways to show love to yourself

    Loneliness is the epidemic of our time. Despite living in a large city full of people, and although your presence and interaction on social networks is increasing, you may feel alone. This is largely due to the fact that we…

  • Nadie nace odiando su cuerpo, nos enseñan

    Nobody is born hating their body, we are taught

    What do you feel when you look in the mirror? You like what you see? Do you accept it or do you wish you could change that body like someone who takes off a dress and puts on a more…

  • How To Know If Your Parents Were Very Critical Of You

    How To Know If Your Parents Were Very Critical Of You

    Growing up with very critical parents affects self-esteem, the way we relate and the challenges we dare to take on. Find out if this was the case for you and how it may be influencing you today. Much of the…

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