
The family is more than just the nucleus of our society. Understanding their behaviors, communication styles, affective patterns, dysfunctions, and strategies to solve problems or needs will undoubtedly help us build more satisfactory bonds.

  • Valeria Sabater

    9 keys to having a healthy family dynamic

    To have a healthy family dynamic, it is necessary to take care of each bond like someone taking care of a work of art. Because each member is unique and valuable; Everyone deserves that recognition and treatment that makes it…

  • Cultura familiar: qué es y qué influye en ella

    Family culture: what it is and what influences it

    How would you define your family culture? Did you have strong and inspiring values ​​or did you lack them and did you grow up without the attachment and positive influence of close and nurturing parents? We are all, in a…

  • Por qué mi madre me hace sentir mal y qué hacer

    Why does my mother make me feel bad and what to do

    If your mother makes you feel bad all the time, it is very possible that you are dealing with a being who mistreats you on a psychological level. Identifying these types of harmful acts is key to setting limits and…

  • Grandparent Loss: Coping Strategies

    Grandparent Loss: Coping Strategies

    When grandparents leave, the void they leave remains, but over time it becomes more bearable. To get to this point, seek support from your loved ones and accept your emotions. “The death of a grandparent is the law of life,”…

  • Why Are Some Children Violent With Their Parents?

    Why Are Some Children Violent With Their Parents?

    Have you ever wondered what motivates a child to be violent towards their parents? Despite being a phenomenon still being studied, we want to give you some keys. There are children who are violent towards their parents, that is, they…

  • Children Conflicts: Uncommon Couple Challenges

    Children Conflicts: Uncommon Couple Challenges

    Rehacer nuestras bayan puede llegar a ser un camino tortuoso si aparecen conflictos con los respectivos hijos. A quí tienes consejos para establecer buenas relaciones en la nueva familia. Reconstituted families are becoming more frequent; With this also the conflicts…

  • The Effects Of Fear-based Parenting

    The Effects Of Fear-based Parenting

    Such type of education typically diminishes individuals’ self-assurance and renders them timid. Insufficient self-confidence can hinder people from fully realizing their potentials and weaken their belief in their abilities. This predicament can make it challenging to cope with life’s obstacles…

  • 6 Tips For Talking About Sex With Your Children

    6 Tips For Talking About Sex With Your Children

    Talking about sex with your children can be a complex and difficult situation to address. However, there are several ways to address this topic, which is of utmost importance in training. Get to know them in this reading. Talking about…

  • All About Middle Child Syndrome

    All About Middle Child Syndrome

    Although it is often said that middle sibling syndrome is little more than a myth, many people identify with these effects associated with birth order. In the following article, we explain more about this topic. Middle child syndrome is for…

  • How To Deal With A Toxic Family?

    How To Deal With A Toxic Family?

    Do you have a dysfunctional or problematic family that only brings you suffering and tension? Don’t you know how to live with those dynamics? Take note of the keys offered in the following article. Manipulation, contempt, falsehoods and blackmail are…

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