
Psychology provides you with extraordinary tools and strategies to manage conflicts much better. Discover what is behind certain behaviors and how you can react and overcome those situations that we encounter on a daily basis.

  • ¿Por qué tratamos peor a quienes más queremos?

    Why do we treat those we love the most worse?

    We have all made the mistake of taking out our frustration on our loved ones. We sometimes show them our worst side and make them victims of selfish, inconsiderate, cruel or impulsive behavior that they do not deserve. However, with…

  • Gorka Jiménez Pajares

    My daughter is a victim of gender violence: what do I do?

    Gender violence is attracting the attention of the media, a fact that potentially expands the number of responses we can give as a society, and as individuals. Now, it is also possible that we realize that it is the people…

  • Por qué necesitas dejar de evitar los conflictos (y cómo actuar)

    Why you need to stop avoiding conflict (and how to act)

    The relationships we have with other people have an important impact on well-being and emotional health. If you live in a harmonious, respectful and peaceful environment, it is likely that on a personal level you will also feel calmer and…

  • Las consecuencias de la invalidación emocional

    The consequences of emotional invalidation

    How do you feel sharing with those around you the emotions that have the most weight in your emotional state? Adventures that will make you feel understood or misunderstood? In the second case, it is likely that you are being…

  • Dime cómo gestionas tus conflictos y te diré quién eres

    Tell me how you manage your conflicts and I will tell you who you are

    How you manage your conflicts says a lot about you. It is said that our posture in the face of conflicts reveals us, undresses us in some way, which seems true. The way we manage differences and tensions has a…

  • Laura Ruiz Mitjana

    9 signs that a person you are meeting is not right for you

    Sometimes we meet people who, at first glance, seem wonderful to us. Interesting, good, genuine people…However, not all the people we meet in our lives are going to “suit us” or contribute something really good (some, because they do not…

  • Herir para controlar: 5 mecanismos

    Hurt to control: 5 mechanisms

    We have a wide range of mechanisms to manipulate in the social sphere. Some are very explicit, like when we raise our voices. Others, however, are much more veiled, which does not mean that they can be more aggressive and…

  • Valeria Sabater

    Can lending money ruin a relationship?

    Lend money. Who has not done this at some time? Friends, co-workers and even family. Many of us have left (and have been left) some small financial amount at some specific time. What’s more, on occasions, we have even insisted…

  • Valeria Sabater

    What to do when someone tries to control you

    When someone tries to control you, it is normal for you to feel attacked. Because whoever seeks to dominate your will is not only not respecting you, he is also attacking your rights, your values ​​and your decision-making capacity. And…

  • Semi-ghosting: cuando el contacto es cada vez más superficial

    Semi-ghosting: when the contact is increasingly superficial

    In life they can make us a ghosting complete, or also a semi-ghosting. None of them are pleasant, legal or ethical. Thus, while the first defines that behavior in which someone disappears from our lives overnight without giving an explanation,…

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