
Emotions are a fundamental pillar in the personal development of every human being. Basic emotions, such as sadness, joy, fear, anger, surprise and disgust, along with the rest of the emotions, shape and guide our daily lives. Discover in this section articles that explain how feelings are generated and controlled.

  • ¿Qué es y cómo se logra la autorregulación emocional?

    What is emotional self-regulation and how is it achieved?

    Juan is stuck in traffic, he has barely moved 500 meters in twenty minutes. Each horn increases his anger and frustration. He feels like he’s about to explode. But in a moment of lucidity, he remembers what he talked about…

  • 17 dinámicas de resolución de conflictos para aplicar en grupos

    17 conflict resolution dynamics to apply in groups

    Teamwork inevitably brings problems between the people who make it up. Although these can be a tool to strengthen relationships, it never hurts to apply conflict resolution dynamics that channel this effect. Such activities are often fun and exemplify situations…

  • ¿Cómo se pueden controlar los ataques de ira?

    How can you control anger attacks?

    You come home after a tiring day. What you want is to rest, but when you enter you find chaos: shoes lying around, the table full of papers and endless toys in the living room. You notice that your partner…

  • 6 claves para subir el ánimo rápidamente

    6 keys to raise your spirits quickly

    There are times that taste like apathy, those when everything seems a little grayer to you. You don’t know why, but anything costs you much more and what you need most is to raise your spirits quickly. If you are…

  • ¿Qué significa ser aprensivo y cómo cambiarlo?

    What does it mean to be apprehensive and how to change it?

    Pandemics, climate change, deteriorating living standards… Can anyone be blamed for being apprehensive in these chaotic times? The truth is that this emotional state is increasingly common among the population, although it is still considered a negative attitude towards life.…

  • ¿Eructos continuos por ansiedad? Causas y cómo solucionarlo

    Continuous burping due to anxiety? Causes and how to solve it

    Have you ever wondered if emotions are responsible for your gastrointestinal problems? The relationship between mental health and physical well-being is closer than we usually think. Proof of this is the link between anxiety and continuous belching. In particular, being…

  • How To Manage Emotions At Christmas Time

    How To Manage Emotions At Christmas Time

    “Night of peace Night of Love?” Christmas often awakens intense and unpleasant feelings. One way to manage them is by redefining expectations. Discover more in this article. There are just a few days left until Christmas and many people’s emotions…

  • Is It Possible To Heal The Wound Of Abandonment?

    Is It Possible To Heal The Wound Of Abandonment?

    Repairing childhood wounds is not an easy or linear path. However, by cultivating greater self-confidence and revaluing loneliness, significant progress can be made in this healing process. Overcoming the wound of abandonment is like embarking on a journey of self-discovery.…

  • What to do when someone is draining you emotionally?

    What to do when someone is draining you emotionally?

    Do you have a friend or family member who dampens your energy, spirits and positivity? In the following reading we explain how to act. Have you ever experienced fatigue, bad mood and frustration after being with a friend, family member…

  • Las expectativas no siempre conllevan decepción

    Expectations Don’t Always Lead To Disappointment

    Does expecting something from others inevitably lead us to disappointment? Let’s see how having hope about something affects that, at some point, things do not happen as we suppose. Is it possible not to have expectations at Benidorm Fest? Is…

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