
Hormones are chemical agents with infinite functions at the brain and body level. Learn about their typologies and mechanisms to better understand emotions and the biology of human behavior.

  • 7 Psychological Benefits Of Melatonin

    7 Psychological Benefits Of Melatonin

    Melatonin is a hormone that we secrete at night. Its benefits for mental well-being include improving mood and insomnia. Stay to read all about it! Melatonin is a hormone that our body secretes at night to help us fall asleep…

  • Effects of Serotonin on Your Body

    Effects of Serotonin on Your Body

    Serotonin, also called the “happiness hormone,” is key to promoting mental health and comprehensive well-being. Discover its influence on the human body. Serotonin is a chemical that our neurons produce to communicate with each other.. It is a neurotransmitter that…

  • The Main People Responsible For You Feeling This Way

    The Main People Responsible For You Feeling This Way

    Different factors and variables influence how we feel. However, one thing that is always in the way is hormones. They are protagonists when we feel bad, but also when we feel good. The human being is a complex system, influenced…

  • According To Science, Stress Changes Taste Perception

    According To Science, Stress Changes Taste Perception

    Do you feel a greater need to eat sweets lately? Do you feel that when you consume these products they don’t taste the same? This could be an effect of stress sustained over time. We explain it to you. Work,…

  • Differences Between Hormones And Neurotransmitters

    Differences Between Hormones And Neurotransmitters

    One of the main differences between both chemicals is that hormones have a wide range of influence, while neurotransmitters do not. Learn about other key discrepancies. To function properly, the body needs hormones and neurotransmitters.. Hormones are secreted by the…

  • Excess Cortisol: What Happens To Your Body?

    Excess Cortisol: What Happens To Your Body?

    Excess cortisol is harmful to health when it occurs constantly and for a long time. What effects does this hormone have on the body? Excess cortisol can have many effects on our health, both physical and mental.. Excesses in life…

  • Emotional Changes During The Menstrual Cycle

    Emotional changes during the menstrual cycle

    Emotional changes during the menstrual cycle include irritability, anxiety, or a depressed mood, among others. Find out which ones they are depending on the phase of the cycle! The menstrual cycle is a period that consists of various phases and…

  • Cortisol Response Upon Awakening, What Is It?

    Cortisol Response Upon Awakening, What Is It?

    When we wake up, the pituitary gland secretes just the right amount of cortisol so we can react to the demands of the day. Now, if there is a problem in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis we can suffer various alterations. We…

  • The Role Of Hormones During Pregnancy

    The Role Of Hormones During Pregnancy

    What role do hormones play during a woman’s pregnancy? What is its relationship with attachment behaviors to the baby once the birth process is completed? In this article we will answer these questions. Hormones during pregnancy play a fundamental role…

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