Breakup and divorce

When relationships break down we must face a stage that is as complex as it is delicate. In this section on breakup and divorce we provide you with information on how to deal with grief, how to manage emotions to rebuild your life, what types of therapy can help you or what legal issues should be taken into account during these processes.

  • Mi ex no quiere perder el contacto conmigo: por qué y qué hacer

    My ex doesn’t want to lose contact with me: why and what to do

    The end of a relationship is a painful and challenging time, and if your ex doesn’t want to lose contact with you, the process can become even more complicated. Inevitable questions arise: Why does he choose to stay in my…

  • ¿Qué debo hacer si mi pareja me ha dejado de repente?

    What should I do if my partner has suddenly left me?

    To experiment The unexpected end of a relationship overwhelms and disorients. When your partner has left you suddenly, uncertainty, a feeling of insecurity and the desire to understand the reasons for the breakup are common emotions. You may be tempted…

  • ¿Es posible perdonar una infidelidad en una relación de pareja?

    Is it possible to forgive infidelity in a relationship?

    Did you know that almost half of the adult population in Spain admits that they were unfaithful at some point in their life? And is this fact one of the main causes of rupture in Mexico? Cheating on your partner…

  • ¿Qué es el contacto cero y cómo funciona?

    What is zero contact and how does it work?

    If you’ve read about grief after a breakup or are looking for how to get over one, you’ve probably come across the concept of “zero contact.” This consists of cutting off all contact and communication with the person you are…

  • Estas son las 17 señales de que tu ex no te olvida

    These are the 17 signs that your ex does not forget you

    There are many types of breakup. The most complicated are those in which you choose to end a relationship despite love still existing. In these cases, it is quite difficult to turn the page, move forward and even rebuild your…

  • Los 11 errores que debes evitar al aplicar el contacto cero

    The 11 mistakes you should avoid when applying zero contact

    Relationships can be like an addiction. Sometimes, after a breakup, your mind remains so attached to that person that you continue checking their social networks and even wait for a message of reconciliation. All of this will make the grieving…

  • Las 5 etapas en una relación de rebote y sus efectos emocionales

    The 5 stages in a rebound relationship and its emotional effects

    Nobody has a good time after a breakup: neither those who break up, nor those who are rejected. It is normal, therefore, to look for ways to alleviate that pain; Many people find relief in starting something with another person.…

  • Las 5 etapas del contacto cero: sanando tras una ruptura

    The 5 stages of zero contact: healing after a breakup

    Surely you have heard about the stages of zero contact after a breakup, as it is a strategy very well integrated into popular knowledge. Thanks to psychologists specialized in couples and emotional intelligence, what was meant to be put into…

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