Diet and nutrition

A good diet and adequate nutrition allow us to maintain optimal health and promote good habits. Taking care of our diet, knowing what products, guidelines and what habits we should follow or avoid, will favor the improvement of multiple biological, chemical and metabolic processes.

  • 7 consejos para dejar de comer de más por las noches

    7 tips to stop overeating at night

    You had dinner a few hours ago and you’re ready to go to sleep, but suddenly you’re hungry. So, you open the refrigerator and destroy the first thing you find: a piece of cake, chocolate or any leftover food stored.…

  • L-Teanina: beneficios de este aminoácido para tu salud

    L-Theanine: benefits of this amino acid for your health

    L-Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves. It was discovered in the 1940s and has a series of important health benefits. It is possible to find this nutrient in foods of plant origin, such as some mushrooms.. Some…

  • Kuzu: beneficios de este macrobiótico para la mente y el cuerpo

    Kuzu: benefits of this macrobiotic for the mind and body

    Kuzu is a macrobiotic food extracted from a plant native to the Asian continent. It is very popular in Japan and little by little it has spread to other cultures and countries. It can be used as a dietary supplement,…

  • 4 alimentos para combatir el cansancio y la fatiga

    4 foods to combat tiredness and fatigue

    There are a series of foods that can help combat the feeling of tiredness and exhaustion. This is due to the concentration of nutrients inside. Some even have ergogenic substances capable of providing something extra in moments of greatest need.…

  • Los 4 alimentos más adictivos

    The 4 most addictive foods

    There are a series of foods that are characterized by being very addictive. Its presence in the diet must be moderated. Otherwise, your health could be put at risk. It is important to remember that one of the pillars of…

  • 5 vitaminas que pueden afectar al sueño

    5 vitamins that can affect sleep

    Diet is closely related to our ability to rest well. If the intake of nutrients is not adequate, it may be difficult to fall asleep. In addition, it is more likely to suffer interruptions, which worsens recovery tasks. For this…

  • 5 alimentos para mejorar el humor

    5 foods to improve your mood

    Mood can be improved by including a number of foods in your diet on a regular basis. It is clear that the nutritional pattern influences the body in many different ways, and can also affect emotional states. For this reason,…

  • 3 alimentos para aumentar la testosterona

    3 foods to increase testosterone

    Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for our organic functioning. It plays an important role in muscle hypertrophy and the expression of secondary sexual characteristics. It also modifies the feeling of vitality. For this reason, below we are…

  • Dieta para aliviar los síntomas del síndrome premenstrual

    Diet to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

    Although premenstrual syndrome can appear at any age after the arrival of menstruation, it is usually common between 30 and 40 years of age. It is characterized by a series of changes in female physiology that can affect well-being. The…

  • Smart Food: Eat Intelligently

    Smart Food: Eat Intelligently

    Do you have little time to eat? In that case, smart food may be of interest to you. With this feeding method, you will increase the quality of your meals without investing more time in preparing them. The smart food…

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