Sports psychology

Benefits of exercising to relieve anxiety

One of the most beneficial treatments for anxiety disorders is exercise. An active lifestyle is not only a source of physical well-being, but also helps mentally.

In recent years, more and more health professionals talk about sport as an intervention without side effects to address certain diagnoses. Research has focused on understanding why By moving our body we feel happier and in better spirits.

With this in mind, we will review the main findings about the advantages of exercising to reduce anxiety symptoms.

1. Releases hormones that induce positive states

The process that occurs in the brain while doing sports provides one of the greatest benefits of physical exercise for anxiety.

During and after a training session, the body releases hormones to produce changes in the body. Among them are neurotransmitters, molecules that act on the central nervous system through various effects that affect mental health; the best known are the following:

  • Dopamine: provides pleasant emotions such as pleasure and relaxation.
  • Serotonin: It helps stabilize mood and biological processes, such as falling asleep.
  • Endorphins: related to emotions of euphoria and joy. In addition, they reduce the sensation of pain.

In this regard, a study published in the CuidArte Magazine points out that physical exercise is a source of endorphins, which would also be involved in the prevention of metabolic syndrome. The latter increases the likelihood of suffering from heart disease or diabetes.

To deepen: The hormones of happiness

2. Reduces symptoms of panic attacks

Among anxiety disorders, panic attacks are worth mentioning. People with this diagnosis suffer anxious episodes in different contexts: alone, on public transportation, in shopping centers, at work, and so on.

These attacks can become so strong and continuous that they limit daily life. The most common treatment is a combination of psychotropic drugs and psychological therapy.

The latter encompasses a key component with a high degree of effectiveness: interoceptive exposure. It consists of generating symptoms analogous to a panic attack in consultation. For example: jumping several times to raise your heart rate; or blow into a bag to hyperventilate.

The purpose is to assimilate that When exercising, unpleasant body sensations are generated, similar to those of an attack; you have to learn to tolerate them and not interpret them as something dangerous.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Cases in Mental Health reported habituation to symptoms through sport, so much so that participants experienced a reduction in the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. This is understood as one of the benefits that exercising has against anxiety.

3. Increases resistance to stress

If there is something that people who play sports are characterized by, it is their ability to resist in the face of adversity. Training requires maintaining great physical effort. Furthermore, every day new obstacles appear that need to be solved to progress.

These teachings are not only applied in the field of physical activity, but can be transferred to everyday life. In fact, people who are fighters in training are also fighters at work, with interpersonal relationships and other areas of life.

Based on this idea, research from the University of Georgia points out that Those who are physically active are perceived as more resistant to stress. This factor prevented the development of psychological problems, especially in those who have a tendency to experience anxiety symptoms.

4. Helps distract from worries

Ruminating and turning over your thoughts throughout the day is a precipitating factor for anxiety. The solution should be as easy as stopping thinking. However, there are no remedies capable of achieving this.

Thus, It is much more effective to find some activity that allows you to put your mind at rest. Sport is the best decision, since during the time you are active you have to pay attention to so many stimuli that it is impossible to think about your worries.

This does not mean that they disappear completely just because they are distracted for an hour a day. Nevertheless, Putting aside the negative for a while helps you relax and be able to face it with a more positive mindset at another time.

5. Promotes night rest

Sleeping well is a fundamental requirement to be healthy. But more and more people have insomnia, that is, problems falling or staying asleep.

The relationship between sleep and anxiety is a loop in which the more nervous you feel, the less ability you have to sleep. On the other hand, the lack of rest takes a toll on mood, worsening mental health.

Among the benefits of physical exercise for anxiety is regulating circadian rhythms. Of course, the time of day is important. It is best to train in the morning or early afternoon. When one activates in the hours before sleep, the opposite effect is achieved, more time in bed waiting to fall asleep.

Don’t leave without reading: 3 morning habits to control anxiety

How much exercise should you do to experience anti-anxiety benefits?

With the above described, you may be wondering how much physical activity is necessary to combat anxiety. In order to answer this question we will refer to the World Health Organization.

According to your recommendations, Adults should get at least 150-300 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week (walk, run, swim, dance…). This means dedicating one hour between three and five days a week. Additionally, it is advisable to add strength training at least two days a week.

An interesting fact that the same institution points out is that these figures can be increased, experiencing additional advantages. Obviously, there is a limit to exercise: overtraining. Even so, it is important to emphasize that exercising daily is healthy.

A medicine free of side effects

The positive effects of exercise on mental health has been known for decades. Today, it is considered an effective treatment prescribed by professionals. Furthermore, its two great advantages over medicines are that It has no side effects and does not carry the stigma of psychotropic drugs.

If you are going through a bad streak, in which you feel overwhelmed, take note of the benefits presented. Although for them to be effective, our recommendation is that you experience them for yourself. So put on your sneakers, start moving and clear your mind.

The entry Benefits of exercising to relieve anxiety was first published in The Psycom.Blog.

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