
Discover the characteristics of creative people

Creativity stands out for its special qualities. And among the characteristics of creative people, it stands out that they go beyond and obtain innovative solutions to any situation.

While it is true that we should not reduce the description of personality to a single trait, it is possible to isolate it and present it in more detail. Therefore, below, we will focus on explaining what identifies those who are creative.

How are creative people?

Generally, creativity is a quality that is associated with the field of art; but this is not the only one in which it applies. It is true that Creative people have an easier time developing in any artistic discipline.

However, They can also do it in another field that requires finding alternative solutions to novel problems, such as business.

In short, creativity is stimulating the capacity for invention, innovation and creation. The space in which it is applied will depend on many factors, including personal tastes.

This trait goes hand in hand with mental flexibility, curiosity or alternative lifestyles. far from conservative. It is present in people of all ages and all social strata.

To deepen: If you are a creative person, congratulations: your brain works differently

Characteristics of creative people

The following aspects make up the characteristics of creative people, but they are not exclusive or exhaustive, but rather they are the most frequent or predominant; After all, everyone has a particular way of being.

1. Cognitive flexibility

Cognitive flexibility stands out among the most outstanding and most studied characteristics of creative people. This is located in the frontal lobes of the brain, is responsible for thinking about two different alternatives at the same time and being able to correct ourselves when we try a solution that doesn’t work.

In this sense, a study carried out by The University of Valladolid finds a positive relationship between cognitive flexibility and creativity: When the first increases, it is expected that new ideas will appear and that they will be more original.

2. Rebellion

Here rebellion does not mean being oppositionist, but rather having the courage to lead a life outside of what social rules consider “normal.” We have the example of the great artists, musicians, painters or dancers.

Many of them did not choose a conventional lifestyle, despite being criticized or pointed out. On the contrary, truly being who they were was above social mandates. And thanks to this they were also able to develop their profession freely.

3. Curiosity

Curiosity could be considered a trigger for creativity, since in many cases this precedes a new idea. Being curious means entering the unknown or going beyond what we already know. Creative people tend to have a wide range of interests and ask a lot of questions.

4. Pragmatism

Being creative is always aimed at finding new ideas and resources that are applicable in everyday life. In this context, someone with creativity is also pragmatic or practical, because it is oriented towards action and the search for alternatives. In fact, he feels great satisfaction when he puts his ideas into concrete things and they are recognized by others.

5. Adaptability

This quality is closely linked to cognitive flexibility. Creatives are easy to change environments and adapt quickly. Even, They are likely to get bored in environments that are very predictable and with little room for improvisation.

The ability to adapt goes hand in hand with another similar quality: versatility. They are people who function well in almost any circumstance; They find change a stimulus, rather than something to be afraid of.

6. Sensitivity

Being sensitive is a particularity of creativity. These personalities They have a special talent for connecting with nature, animals or other people. They are very skilled at reading and understanding other people’s emotions.

7. Observation

To be creative you need to have the ability to detect small details very well. The sum of these is what makes the difference between originality and the ordinary; the shocking and the ordinary. This quality is not something that comes from birth, but can be trained. To do this, you need to be patient.

8. Proactivity

They add to the characteristics of creative people who do not sit back and wait for others to come up with ideas, but take the initiative themselves. In the business field they are entrepreneurs, because, in addition to having innovative business models, They are not afraid to turn their projects into reality.

9. Openness to experience

The relationship between openness to experience and creativity has been widely studied in psychology. This openness refers to the search for experiences, both internal and external, as well as the orientation towards the unconventional.

According to a study by the University of Barcelona, ​​scoring high in openness shows a predisposition to experiment and learn, behaviors that favor creativity. Besides, It allows the entry of a greater amount of information into the attention focus and for it to be more varied and unusual.

10. Passion for what you pursue

These people have a strong feeling for what they want to achieve. They feel it with real passion and this makes them strive to perform better. The most characteristic example is in the artist who tirelessly seeks improvement in her career.

Don’t leave without reading: Is a creative person born or made?

Open your mind and develop creativity

Up to this point we have described the characteristics of creative people, but you should not get the idea that this quality is innate. It is possible to improve your creativity to enrich your results.

So how to be more creative? A first step would be to enhance the traits discussed above, for example: showing a curious, open attitude and focusing on the details. This will cause new ideas to appear in our consciousness, and they will be of higher quality. You already have work to do, open your mind and discover everything it is capable of giving you.

The entry Discover the characteristics of creative people was first published in Psycom.Blog.

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