
Discover What Xanthophobia is

The irrational fear of the color yellow usually derives from superstition that associates it with bad luck. We further explore this unique… Phobia?

Discover What Xanthophobia is

Based on its Greek etymology (xhantos = yellow, phobos = fear), the meaning of xanthophobia is “fear of the color yellow.” It is an irrational and rare fear, characterized by the avoidance of yellow objects or the feeling of intense anxiety in the presence of this color.

However, due to its minimal frequency and its tendency to not significantly impact the daily lives of personas, The question arises as to whether it is appropriate to classify this fear as a phobia.. What are the possible reasons behind yellow rejection and what could be the treatment approach? Discover the answers in this content!

Irrational fear of the color yellow: is this phobia real?

There is little scientific information about the excessive and irrational fear of the color yellow. However, we do know that almost any object, situation or even concept can become the focus of a phobia, as long as it meets the diagnostic criteria.

In this context, according to the DSM-5R (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) a specific phobia is classified within anxiety disorders. To be diagnosed as such, an intense fear of a specific object or situation must be evident that, in objective terms, is assumed to be low or without any danger.

In addition, there must be a feeling of deep discomfort in the presence of an object or situation, or the tendency to actively avoid it. These symptoms must persist for at least six months.

On the other hand, to be considered a phobia, the fear must be disproportionate to the real threat represented by the element in question and have a negative and considerable impact on the person’s daily life, causing general deterioration.

While it is in doubt that xanthophobia is actually a phobia, the truth is that this is just one of the many curious and strange phobias that someone could experience. There are people with a phobia of buttons (koumpounophobia) and others experience a pathological fear of clowns (coulrophobia). Fears can be very strange and surprising.

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Symptoms that indicate that you could have xanthophobia

As we see, this fear poses challenges to be considered a phobia. However, if in fact it is, a series of characteristic symptoms of this type of disorder should appear, in the presence of yellow objects.

If you suspect that you may have this condition, we recommend that you read the symptoms carefully and use the information as a guide test:


  • Intrusive thoughts about bad fortune linked to yellow. “If I wear the yellow shirt on the exam, I’m going to do badly.”
  • Constant concern about the presence of the color yellow in the environment. “In this room there are at least four yellow objects, I must leave here urgently.”
  • Irrational fear when encountering objects of this color. “I hope I don’t pass any yellow cars on the way to the store.”


  • Tendency to avoid places, situations or objects that may have the color yellow. For example, do not wear clothing of this tone or reject foods that have a yellowish hue.
  • Adjustments in daily activities to avoid contact with the color, such as crossing the street when seeing a yellow door or selecting supermarket products without packaging of this color.
  • Need to constantly search for environments «yellow free» to feel safe.


When faced with yellow objects, a person with this problem would present all or several of these signs on the body:

  • Increase of rhythm cardiac.
  • Excessive sweating or tremors.
  • Nauseadizziness or abdominal pain.
  • Muscle tension or sensation of stiffness.

Causes of xanthophobia

The irrational fear of yellow often originates from the superstition that this color is linked to bad luck, a belief that may have various cultural, historical or psychological roots.

Something interesting is that, From the perspective of color psychology, yellow is the most contradictory color, because it represents the good and the bad. In fact, some researchers suggest that this color could generate physiological reactions that also manifest in emotional experience, which could be negative.

In the old Egypt Positive connotations were attributed to it, linking it to happiness and prosperity. But, in Western culture, for example, This tone has been associated with envy, betrayal, misfortune or cowardice. In China it symbolizes death and deception.

It should be noted that mystical ideas are often transmitted from generation to generation, as part of cultural heritage.

Thus, the belief that the color yellow attracts negative energies can take root in a person, if their family or social context supports it, even without scientific support.

In this sense, the concept of vicarious (or social) learning, proposed by the pioneer of social cognitive theory, Albert Bandura, becomes very relevant. This phenomenon refers to the acquisition of certain knowledge and attitudes through observation of others, especially those significant people.

Another possible cause of xanthophobia lies in personal experiences related to this color.. Someone who has experienced unfortunate or traumatic events in the presence of this color could develop an irrational aversion to it. This dynamic can be understood through the theory of conditioning and associative learning.


Woman talks to psychologist about xanthophobia.
To treat xanthophobia, cognitive behavioral therapy uses the technique of controlled exposure to the color yellow and cognitive restructuring. Credits: demaerre/iStockphoto.

Choosing the most appropriate therapy for phobias may depend on various factors, including the nature and severity of the pathological fear. Nevertheless, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) stands out as a comprehensive and effective treatment approach.

In this context, the exposition technique is usually applied. This strategy involves exposing the person in a gradual and controlled manner to the feared stimulus or situation, in this case, the color yellow. Exposure can be carried out in different ways, from guided imagination to direct and real confrontation with the stimulus.

Now, implementing this technique for xanthophobia can present specific challenges, since yellow can be very present in everyday environments. Finding situations in which controlled exposure can be applied can be more complicated, compared to phobias related to less ubiquitous stimuli.

Within the framework of CBT, cognitive restructuring would also be used to correct cognitive distortions or irrational beliefs associated with this fear. For example, if someone believes that yellow always carries risks or dangers, the psychologist would help identify those thoughts and replace them with more realistic ones.

No matter how absurd a phobia may seem, it is crucial to treat it.

It is common for people to like some colors more than others, even associating them with different emotions or meanings. However, finding someone who has a serious problem with a specific color is quite something. unusual.

Despite this, it does not seem to be impossible for a person to develop a phobia towards yellow, especially if we take into account the bad reputation that this color has in some cultures.

In any case, and Regardless of whether it is truly classified as a phobia or not, if there is discomfort, it is essential to seek guidance from a mental health professional.. This fear may be an indicator of another underlying problem linked to anxiety, and addressing it appropriately is crucial to improving quality of life.

The entry Discover what xanthophobia is was first published in Psycom.Blog.

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