Clinical psychology

How to identify a psychotic break?

A psychotic break is a temporary episode in which you lose contact with reality, so its symptoms must be identified in time. During this time, difficulties are evident in distinguishing between what is true and what is not. It is possible to see or hear things that are not there and develop delusional beliefs, such as the idea of ​​being watched or followed.

The person is rarely aware of what is happening, so it is unlikely that they will seek help on their own initiative. Therefore, it is important that those around her are able to detect what is happening and act immediately to obtain assistance.

Possible causes of a psychotic break

This rupture of reality can arise for various reasons, with schizophrenia and paranoid disorder being among the most common. Additionally, mood disorders, such as major depression with psychotic features, and some medical conditions, such as dementia, also trigger episodes of this type.

On the other hand, research suggests that Marijuana use can cause psychotic symptoms in healthy people, especially when combined with other risk factors. The same with the use of other hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD and psilocybin (present in some mushrooms).

To deepen: Do you know what a psychotic break really is?

Symptoms to identify a psychotic break

Although predicting a psychotic break is not easy, Sometimes early signs appear, called prodromal symptoms. These include mood changes, sleeping difficulties, irritability, and neglect of appearance and personal hygiene. However, such signs are usually subtlewhich makes it difficult to detect.

However, When disconnection from reality is a fact, it is possible that the symptoms become more evident to those around you, But, let’s clarify, this does not happen in all cases.

1. Alucinations

Hallucinations are sensory perceptions that occur without a real external stimulus. For example, the person sees, hears and even smells something that is not present in reality.

In cases of a psychotic break related to schizophrenia, these false perceptions tend to be auditory. In such circumstances, The person hears voices with threatening or imperative content.

On the other hand, when the episode is framed in other psychotic disorders or is induced by substance use, it is likely that visual hallucinations will be the most predominant. Light flashes or complex figures can be perceived.

2. Delusions

Another of the fundamental symptoms to identify a psychotic outbreak is the presence of delusions. Is about firm, erroneous beliefs that the person holds, despite a lack of evidence. They can take different forms, such as mystical ideas, ideas of grandeur or delusions of persecution (characteristic of paranoid disorder).

On this last case, The individual may believe that he is being followed, watched, or that others are conspiring against him.expressing comments such as the following:

  • “My neighbors installed cameras in my house to monitor me.”
  • “My father is poisoning tap water to hurt me.
  • “I am convinced that a secret group is intercepting my emails.”

3. Inability to maintain a coherent conversation

Also alogia can be observed, which is the impoverishment of cognition and is reflected in incoherent and poorly fluent speech. This manifests itself when the person jumps from one topic to another without a logical connection, has difficulty following the thread of the conversation, or expresses confusing ideas.

4. Crying or laughing for no apparent reason

Added as a symptom is conducts or exaggerated, extravagant emotional expression and without a direct and proportional relationship with the stimuli of reality. For example, suddenly laughing out loud or crying inconsolably, even in situations that would not provoke such emotional responses.

5. Isolation

During a psychotic crisis, It is common for the person to isolate themselves due to the emotional burden and internal experiences they face. In these cases, you may withdraw from regular social activities, avoid contact with friends, stop attending work, and, in extreme situations, even leave your own home.

6. Changes in the way you dress and act

Being so noticeable, this symptom often causes surprise and confusion in those nearby. A person who experiences a psychotic episode is capable of adopting eccentric clothing, drastically changing your usual style or exhibiting more erratic behavior, unpredictable and aggressive.

These changes may reflect the alteration of your perception of reality and your emotional state. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to them and seek professional assistance to address psychotic crisis effectively.

7. Movements atypical

Due to the disconnection With reality, unusual movements also arise such as rigid postures, known as catatonia, in which the person remains immobile or adopts positions foreign. In addition, You may show unpredictable movements, such as wandering aimlessly.

What are the consequences?

The consequences of a psychotic break vary depending on the severity of the crisis, its duration and the triggering factors. However, in general terms, one of the main repercussions is the emotional discomfort that persists even after the symptoms have passed.

Once the outbreak stops, The person may have a feeling of having completely lost control over themselves, accompanied by stress and confusion. Also, you may have to face stigma and discrimination, due to the lack of social awareness on this issue.

What is the treatment of a psychotic break?

Once the psychotic outbreak is identified, the treatment will depend on each case. But It is usually based on a combination of psychotherapy and antipsychotic medications. Psychological therapy helps the person manage their thoughts and emotions.

Besides, the support of loved ones, as well as participation in support groups, are crucial In this instance.

Y Professional support is essential. Adhering to the indicated treatment plan, as well as attending regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress, is very important because, to the extent possible, they help prevent a new episode.

Don’t leave without reading: How to help a person with a psychotic break?

Knowing about this mental health issue is essential to address it

We have already learned to identify a psychotic break through its main forms of manifestation, highlighting the importance of seeking professional help as soon as possible.

But If there is something essential in this context, it is open dialogue about this and other mental health issues. This is how stigmas are banished and both understanding and support for those who are face complex emotional and psychological challenges. Ultimately, we are all looking for a more empathetic and supportive society, where we can feel safe and valued.

The entry How to identify a psychotic break? was first published in Psycom.Blog.

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